Merton Barracks
Oct 12, 2022


What you're describing is what is refered to in the UK as perverting the course of justice, and will land you in prison. As well intentioned as your sentiment may be it is not the way to go. What if your hypothetical judge harbored the belief that child abuse was fine? He/she might also have justified this to themselves in their mind and simply chooses not to prosecute when cases come up. That would be wrong, but the judge is doing precisely what you've just described. The way to reverse the horrible situation you have in the US is to get the law fixed. That happens by popular demand, so get your politics fixed. That happens through education and enlightenment, so get your people fixed. There lies your chicken and egg conundrum.



Merton Barracks

I'm meandering. Some fiction and some rantings with an intermingling of the things that keep me going, slow me down or make me cry.